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  1. What are supplement gummies?
  2. Which type of gummies are suitable to add these supplements?
  3. What are supplement gummies made of?
  4. Gummy vitamins vs. Traditional Vitamins
  5. Are vitamin gummies as effective as traditional vitamins?
  6. What is the primary function of these supplement gummies?
  7. What is the primary function of these supplement gummies?
  8. Gummy Shapes that are popular in the market.
  9. Five (5) attractive reasons for Investing in the production of supplement gummies
  10. What kind of candy-making machines can produce gummies?
  11. how to control each batch of gummies with the same quality.
  12. how to make high-quality supplement gummies?
  13. If we want to order a new gummy candy production line, how to clean the line quickly to make different formula gummies?
  14. Our gummy formula is high viscosity, is the cooker working for it?
  15. Why iSweetech gummy-making machines?

1. What are supplement gummies?

Supplement gummies are gummy candies containing essential supplements for the human body’s daily needs. such as multivitamins; essential Minerals, and Major, Trace Minerals. They taste like candy, soft and chewy, It’s an alternative choice for children and adults who can not swallow pills, tablets, and capsules.  

2. Which type of gummies are suitable to add these supplements?

Most gummies are made with pectin-based gummy or gelatin-based gummies. some are carrageenan-based gummies. In the market, pectin gummies with supplements for most, but gelatin gummies and carrageenan gummies also can be added with supplements.

3. What are supplement gummies made of?

The gummy is commonly made from gelatin or pectin, water, sugar, glucose, and adding colorings,  mixing with different flavors including orange, lemon, raspberry, cherry, pineapple, cola, etc., adding one type or several vitamins and minerals or other functions like anthocyanidin, melatonin, etc.

4. Gummy vitamins vs. Traditional Vitamins

Gummy vitamins and traditional vitamins are all good for people’s health body.

it’s not a pill, if someone is diagnosed by a doctor to take vitamins, then they should take the doctor’s advice.

Gummy vitamins compared with traditional vitamins have differences too.

5. Are vitamin gummies as effective as traditional vitamins?

Research shows that vitamin gummies and traditional vitamins have the same function and absorb the nutrients equally into the bloodstream, eating a gummy vitamin each day rather than swallowing a pill, which is why drugstores and supermarkets sell vitamin gummies, is why more and more factories produce supplement gummies.

6. What is the primary function of these supplement gummies?

There are many types of supplement gummies contents vitamins and minerals. which are essential for bodily functions such as helping to fight infection, wound healing, making our bones strong, sleep improvement, and improved vision. 

The Vitamin C gummies are designed to provide an immunity boost and are a source of the essential vitamin that helps with various bodily functions, including collagen synthesis and wound healing. The Elderberry (Anthocyanidin) gummies support the immune system, leveraging the properties of black elderberry, which has been traditionally used for its health benefits. Lastly, the Melatonin gummies act as a natural sleep aid, assisting those who may have trouble sleeping by regulating the sleep-wake cycle. It’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any dietary supplement.

7. Five(5) notice when you are buying supplement gummies.

  • Talk with your family doctor or dietician, about which nutrients you need and how much you should take daily.
  • Read the supplement gummy label carefully to ensure the gummies suit your body’s needs.
  • Choose a reputable gummy manufacturer and the gummies have third-party certificates.
  • Buy the gummies from the pharmacy and supermarkets which are regular channels.
  • Pay attention to the recommended dosage and stick to it to avoid overdose.

8. Gummy Shapes that are popular in the market.

For supplement gummies, the popular shapes are gumdrops, gummybear, square gummies, rectangle shapes, cylinder shapes, berry gummies, honeycombs, customized logos, etc.

9. Five (5) attractive reasons for Investing in the production of supplement gummies

(1) Consumer Demand: There’s a growing interest in health and wellness, and many consumers prefer gummies as a more palatable and convenient alternative to pills or capsules.

(2) Marketability: Gummies can be marketed towards various age groups, from children to adults. Their pleasant taste and texture make them more acceptable, especially to those who dislike swallowing pills.

(3) Diversification: For companies who are already in the supplement market, gummies offer a way to diversify their product range and reach different customer segments. also including different gummy shapes and different gummy functions.

(4) Innovation Potential: The gummy format allows for creativity in flavors, shapes, and formulations, providing opportunities for product differentiation.

(5) Adherence & Compliance: Some studies suggest that people are more likely to stick to their supplement regimen if taken in gummy form due to the enjoyable experience.

10. What kind of candy-making machines can produce gummies?

Two types of gummy candy-making equipment in the main market. one is the starch mogul line, which is a heavy investment, the capacity starts from 1T/h, 2T/h, or more. For more traditional or complex shapes, starch molding can be used. In this process, impressions are made in starch trays, and the gummy mixture is poured in. The starch helps to absorb moisture and allows the gummies to set.

another is the starch-free depositing line, lover investment and more flexible, that’s is the trend for gummy candy manufacturers too. the starch-free gummy depositing lines are the most common machines used for making gummy candies. which worked by depositing the gummy mixture into molds. The process can be fully automated, ensuring consistency in size and shape.

Each type of machine plays a specific role in the gummy-making process, from cooking and shaping to cooling. The choice of machines depends on the scale of production, the investment amount, the desired shapes and sizes of the gummies, and the specific types of gummies being produced (e.g., sour, sugar-coated, CBD-infused).

11. how to control each batch of gummies with the same quality.

Consistent Recipe and Ingredients: Ensure that the recipe for the gummy mixture is followed precisely for each batch. This includes consistent measurements of gelatin, sugar, flavorings, colorings, and any other additives. The quality of the ingredients should also be consistent.

  • Accurate Temperature Control: The cooking temperature of the gummy mixture needs to be strictly controlled. Overheating or underheating can affect the texture and consistency of the gummies.

  • Depositing Machine Calibration: The gummy candy depositing machine should be calibrated regularly to ensure accurate and consistent dosing. This includes checking the pump systems, nozzles, and other mechanical parts for wear and tear.


  • Consistent Mixture Homogeneity: The mixture should be kept homogenous throughout the production process. This means maintaining a consistent mix without allowing any separation of ingredients, which could lead to variations in flavor, color, or other additives.

  • Mold Quality and Cleanliness: The molds used in the depositing process should be of high quality and kept clean. Any residue or damage to the molds can affect the shape and finish of the gummies.


  • Regular Quality Checks: Implement regular quality control checks during the production process. This includes checking the weight, size, shape, texture, and flavor of the gummies.


  • Environmental Conditions: The production environment should be controlled for temperature and humidity, as these factors can affect the setting and quality of the gummies.


  • Proper Cooling and Setting: Ensure that the gummies are cooled and set properly after depositing. Inconsistent cooling can lead to variations in texture.


  • Machine Maintenance: Regular maintenance of the gummy depositing machine is crucial to ensure it operates efficiently and accurately. This includes cleaning and replacing worn-out parts.


  • Employee Training: Well-trained staff who understand the machinery and the production process can help maintain consistency in the quality of the gummies.

By closely monitoring these factors, manufacturers can ensure that each batch of gummies produced by the gummy candy depositing machine is of consistent quality.

12. how to make high-quality supplement gummies?

Making high-quality supplement gummies involves several important steps to ensure that they are not only tasty but also effective in delivering the desired nutritional benefits. Here’s a general guide:

(1) Ingredient Selection:

      a. Choose high-quality, pure ingredients for both the supplement component and the gummy base.

      b. Ensure that the active ingredients (vitamins, minerals, etc.) are in forms that are bioavailable and stable.

(2) Formulation:

       c. Develop a formula that balances the supplement content with taste and texture.

       d. Consider the use of natural sweeteners, flavors, and colors to enhance the appeal of the gummies without compromising their health benefits.

(3) Dissolving and Mixing:

       e. Dissolve the gelling agent (commonly gelatin or a vegetarian alternative like pectin or agar-agar) in water.

       f. Heat the mixture gently and add sweeteners, flavors, colors, and the supplement ingredients. Ensure even distribution of the supplements in the mixture.

(4) Quality Control of Supplements:

       g. It’s crucial to ensure the correct dosage of the supplement ingredients. Over- or under-dosing can affect the effectiveness of the gummies.

       h. Regular testing should be conducted to confirm the potency and purity of the supplements.

(5) Molding and Setting:

       i. Pour the mixture into gummy molds. The shape and size of the molds will determine the dosage of the supplement per gummy.

        j. Cool the gummies to allow them to set. The cooling process must be controlled to ensure the right texture.

(6) De-molding and Coating:

       k. Once set, the PLC-controlled gummy candy line will remove the gummies from the molds automatically.

        l. Optionally, gummies can be coated with a sugar or oil coating to prevent sticking and enhance flavor.

(7) Packaging:

Package the gummies in airtight and moisture-proof containers to maintain their shelf life and protect them from degradation.

(8) Labeling:

       m. Ensure that the packaging is labeled with the correct nutritional information, dosage instructions, and any allergen warnings.

(9) Compliance with Regulations:

       n. Follow all relevant food and drug regulations for dietary supplements, including testing and documentation, to ensure safety and compliance.

(10) Storage:

  • Store the gummies in a cool, dry place to preserve their quality.

Remember, producing supplement gummies requires a careful balance between creating an enjoyable confectionery product and maintaining the integrity and efficacy of the supplement ingredients. Professional expertise in both food science and nutrition is beneficial in creating a successful product.

13. If we want to order a new gummy candy production line, how to clean the line quickly to make different formula gummies?

You can consider the line with a CIP cleaner, which has an Acid tank, Sodium tank, and clean water tank, it can go through the line for cleaning easily.

14. Our gummy formula is high viscosity, is the cooker working for it?

Yes, you can choose high stirring. for the mixture holding tank, enlarge the stirring fans.

15. Why iSweetech gummy-making machines?

iSweetech gummy-making machines are popular in the confectionery industry for several reasons:

Efficiency and Productivity: These machines are designed for high efficiency and productivity. They can produce large batches of gummies in a shorter time compared to manual methods, which is crucial for businesses aiming to scale up their production.

Versatility: These machines often come with features that allow for the production of a wide variety of gummy shapes, sizes, and formulations. This versatility is beneficial for businesses that want to expand their product range or customize their offerings.

Automation and Ease of Use: With advanced automation features, iSweetech machines reduce the need for extensive manual labor, making the production process more streamlined and less labor-intensive.

Durability and Reliability: Built with industrial-grade materials, these machines are generally durable and reliable, ensuring a long service life with proper maintenance.

Compliance with Safety and Health Standards: They are typically designed in compliance with food industry standards, ensuring that the production process is safe and hygienic.

Technical Support and Service: iSweetech is known for providing good customer service and technical support, which is crucial for businesses relying on their machinery for large-scale production.

For businesses in the confectionery industry, investing in an iSweetech gummy-making machine can be a strategic move to enhance productivity, maintain quality, and grow their market presence.

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